Stephen Figlewski
Stephen Figlewski is a Professor of Finance at the New York University Leonard N. Stern School of Business. He has published extensively in academic journals, especially in the area of financial futures and options. He is the founding Editor of The Journal of Derivatives and he also edits the SSRN's Derivatives eJournal series published over the Internet. He is the director of the NASDAQ Derivatives Research Project, which supports research and sponsors conferences at Stern in derivatives, risk management, and financial engineering.
Professor Figlewski has twice taken leaves from NYU to work on Wall Street, doing research on equity derivatives and credit-sensitive securities, and he was at one time a member of the New York Futures Exchange and a Competitive Options Trader at the New York Stock Exchange. He holds a B.A. in Economics from Princeton University and a Ph.D. in Economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
For more information go to his Personal Website